AWS CLI bucket to bucket sync
December 4, 2015
I often need to sync files in one s3 bucket to another, for example if a project uses s3 for assets then you’ll frequently want to copy your production assets to the stage bucket.
In the past I’ve either used boto or s3cmd to sync the source bucket files locally then sync these up to the destination bucket. This technique works but can be slow if you have a lot of files in your bucket.
Amazon now has an official AWS CLI tool which provides bucket to bucket copies. Once you’ve installed the tool you’ll need to find the region of your bucket, this can be done with the following command:
is only the name so shouldn’t include s3://
. Your region will be something like eu-west-1
. You can now run the sync command:
If you want the files in the destination bucket to be publicly accessible you’ll need to modify the command:
It’s worth nothing that later versions of s3cmd also provide bucket to bucket syncing, but it’s best to use the official Amazon tool to keep Jeff Bezos happy.
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